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Networking with Jordan Harbinger
Episode 233

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Building your network is vital for achieving personal and professional success. Jordan Harbinger, a social dynamics expert, shares insights on the importance of maintaining relationships and how to leverage your network effectively. He emphasizes that networking should be approached with a mindset of giving without expecting anything in return. This creates a positive dynamic where individuals are more likely to help each other when needed. Jordan also provides actionable strategies for reconnecting with old contacts and ensuring consistent engagement through scheduled follow-ups. Embracing a long-term perspective when building relationships can significantly enhance one's opportunities and support system.

Episode Timestamps

ChooseFI Episode Show Notes

Episode Title: The Power of Networking with Jordan Harbinger

Episode Summary: Building a strong network is essential for achieving personal and professional goals. Jordan Harbinger shares deep insights into social dynamics, networking strategies, and the importance of relationship maintenance. Listeners learn to cultivate connections through genuine interactions, focusing on how to help others without immediate expectation of return. Harbinger emphasizes the essence of nonverbal communication, psychology, and unique ways to leverage personal interests to create meaningful connections. Actionable steps for engaging with new contacts at conferences and through platforms like LinkedIn are outlined, highlighting that a broad network can yield immense benefits in various scenarios.

Key Takeaways:

  • Start building your network before you need it.
  • Networking is about genuine interactions and prioritizing how you can help others.
  • Nonverbal communication plays a significant role in building relationships.
  • Use tools like CRM systems to maintain contact with your network.
  • Reach out to former colleagues and friends to maintain your network.

Timestamps and Major Topics:

  • Podcast Intro
  • Introduction to Networking
  • Jordan Harbinger's Background
  • Importance of Nonverbal Communication
    • Skills learned through studying psychology and body language.
  • Building Connections at Conferences
    • Strategies for effectively networking at conferences.
  • Keeping in Touch with Contacts
    • The significance of maintaining relationships over time.
    • Practical tools and techniques for tracking connections.
  • Always Be Giving Mindset
    • Understanding the abundance mindset in networking.
  • Conclusion and Action Steps

Actionable Takeaways:

  • List and reach out to old connections to rekindle relationships.
  • Implement a CRM tool to organize networking efforts and follow-ups.
  • Embrace an abundance mindset, focusing on helping others without an agenda.

Key Quotes:

  • "Start building your network now; don't wait until you need it."
  • "Genuine connections happen when you focus on helping others."
  • "Keeping score will poison your relationships."

Discussion Questions:

  • What strategies have you implemented in your networking efforts?
  • How can you create genuine connections without asking for something in return?

Related Resources:

Conclusion Remarks: In this episode, Jordan Harbinger provides valuable insights into the art of networking, emphasizing that genuine connections lead to stronger professional relationships and opportunities for growth. By adopting an abundant mindset and focusing on helping others, listeners can cultivate a powerful network that can benefit them well into the future.

Note: All occurrences of "Dominic Cortuccio" have been corrected to "Dominick Quartuccio." Adjustments to terminology have also been made as specified.

Mastering Networking for Personal and Professional Success

Building a strong network is not only essential for achieving personal and professional goals but also a critical component on the journey to financial independence. In this article, we'll explore actionable strategies that will help you enhance your networking abilities and cultivate genuine connections.

The Importance of Networking

Networking is the action of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts. Unlike transactional interactions that focus on immediate gain, effective networking fosters relationships based on trust, mutual benefit, and a genuine desire to help others.

Start Building Your Network Now

Don’t wait to learn networking—start with simple strategies now. One impactful mantra to adopt is: "Dig your well before you need it." This means nurturing relationships before a crisis occurs.

Actionable Steps to Begin

  1. Make a List: Identify 10 to 15 people you've lost touch with—old colleagues, mentors, or friends from school. Reach out to reconnect without asking for anything in return, simply to catch up. This simple act can rekindle valuable contacts.

  2. Regular Check-ins: Utilize a tool such as a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system to track your interactions. Set reminders to follow up with your contacts every few months—this ensures you stay top of mind without appearing spammy.

  3. Focus on Helping Others: When reaching out, focus your conversation on how you can assist them. This approach makes networking feel authentic and less transactional.

Enhancing Networking Skills

While many people hesitate at the thought of networking, viewing it as something only extroverts can master, the reality is that anyone can hone these skills. Focus on the following areas:

Understand Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal signals significantly affect how we interact. Improve your body language, eye contact, and listening skills to communicate openness and willingness to engage. Remember, genuine connections happen when you focus on helping others without any expectation for immediate returns.

Engage in Social Opportunities

Attend conferences and industry events to meet new people. When at these events, approach individuals by asking questions about their interests and goals. Show that you’re not just trying to expand your network but genuinely interested in fostering relationships.

Effective Strategies for Networking at Conferences

When attending a conference, plan your approach to maximize interactions:

  1. Research Speakers and Attendees: Before the event, familiarize yourself with the speakers and attendees. Knowing their background can help you initiate meaningful conversations.

  2. Use Social Media: Connect on platforms like LinkedIn. Before the event, engage with these individuals online to establish rapport.

  3. Be Strategic in Your Approach: If you encounter a desired contact, especially during less busy moments (like waiting in line at a coffee shop), leverage that opportunity to strike up a conversation rather than waiting for formal introductions.

Offer to Organize Gatherings

Creating informal meet-ups, such as dinner parties or activity days, can position you as a connector. By inviting influential figures or peers out for casual networking, you create a comfortable space for deeper connections.

Building Relationships that Matter

The essence of maintaining relationships lies in an abundance mindset. Always be giving without expecting anything in return.

The Long Game in Networking

Networking is not purely transactional; it should be a gradual exchange of support and assistance. Here’s how to build that network:

  • Make Introductions: When you have the opportunity to connect two people who could benefit from knowing each other, take the initiative. This helps you build social capital.

  • Follow Up Consistently: Send a quick note after meeting someone new to express appreciation for the interaction or to provide additional resources related to your discussion.

Combatting Transactional Mindsets

One of the biggest pitfalls in networking is the danger of keeping score. If you adopt a keeping score mentality, it can poison your relationships. Instead, approach networking as a genuine effort to support others.

Creating your ROI from Networking

Over time, these authentic, generous interactions compound into a rich, supportive network that will be there for you when you truly need it.

  1. Reflection on your Network: Evaluate the people in your network not just for their immediate utility, but for the potential collaborations and opportunities they may offer in the long run.

  2. Be Available: Treat others’ needs as a priority; if you can assist someone, do so without requiring anything in return. This sets the foundation for reciprocal support down the line.

Concluding Thoughts

Networking, when approached with sincerity and a genuine interest in others, can lead to fulfilling professional relationships and opportunities. By focusing on how you can help, establishing consistent check-ins, and embracing a mindset of abundance, you can cultivate a powerful network that will serve you throughout your personal and professional journey.

Start today—invest in your networking skills and watch how they pay off in unexpected ways.

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Jordan Harbinger

What You'll Get Out Of Today's Show

  • Have you ever felt like everyone else received the playbook on how to network and you've been left out? What skills do you really need to network like a true professional?
  • Jordan was first inspired to master the art of networking as a young intern at a Wall Street law firm. Most of the attorneys were working late at night and on weekends except for the partner who was bringing in a lot of business.
  • Searching for the kind of networking skills that could land multi-million dollar deals, he began to study the foundations of psychology, nonverbal communication, and body language.
  • Even those who appear to be naturally great at sales or networking likely just have many more years of experience, making it appear natural.
  • Not everyone has a ready-made network. The first step in establishing a network is to make a list of 10-15 people you wish you'd kept in touch with. Reach out to them merely to reconnect. Maintain relationships by continuing to reach out and catch up. Do not have an agenda or ask for favors.
  • Jordan uses the customer relationship management app, Contactually, to remind him when it's time to touch base with specific people in his network. It helps him to stay in contact with more than 1000 people.
  • When trying to attract the attention of high-profile individuals to add to your network, find out what their personal interests are, and use it to stand out from the rest of the attention-seeking crowd.
  • Organizing high impact events such as trips, dinners, or even mini-golf. These can be much more effective than wasting time on low-level impact activities.
  • Attempting to meet with a speaker at a conference right after their talk is the absolute worst time to try. Instead, find them elsewhere and on your terms, such as in line for morning coffee. Strike up a conversation then.
  • Don't focus on only the elite. Broaden your network with those at your level and even lower. Helping your network is often as simple and easy as introducing people to each other. You gain tremendous social capital.
  • When Jordan was pushed out of his previous company, his new podcast launched with a huge bang, thanks to the relationships he maintained and the large network he built over the previous 10 years.
  • When in a conflict, if you pay close attention to what motivates someone, you can manipulate them to act against their own best interest.

Resources Mentioned In Today's Conversation